Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Printable, Personalized Pass-Along-Cards!

Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who have accounts with can now print off pass-along cards personalized with their profile information to hand out to people with whom they wish to share the gospel.

Printable Pass-along-cards
Personalize your pass-along-cards

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Stake Youth- "We love to hang out!"

Springdale Stake Youth "just love being together". We can see that is true when visiting activities. The latest- "Carnival"

It looks like the Adults feel much the same.

Special thanks to our Youth leaders for all their efforts.

Tahlequah Missionaries Visit the University

Sister Maughan & Sister Davis, Missionaries serving in Tahlequah, stand at their information table on the NSU campus. 

The zone leaders also came to help talk to students. 

YSA- Service

The Young Single Adults serve their community with "Random Acts of Service".
Many efforts are being made around the community to show compassion and service. The City of Fayetteville is working towards international recognition as a "City of Compassion". The example of the Young Single Adults and others can be felt and seen-