Friday, December 7, 2012

Stake Missionary Preparation Class

Brethren and Sisters,

We are pleased to announce that a missionary preparation class will be held on a stake level beginning January 6, 2013. This class will be held in the High Council Room on a weekly basis. The purpose of the class is to increase the faith and preparedness of the young men and women of our stake as they prepare to enter the mission field.

With the change in missionary age requirements, it is anticipated that the number of missionaries in the field will double.  To accommodate this change, the length of time in the Missionary Training Center will be reduced. We hope to have all of our prospective missionaries well versed with the doctrines of the Restored Gospel as well as Preach My Gospel.

Brother David Renfroe, who was recently released as a counselor in the Oklahoma Tulsa Mission Presidency, has been called to organize and direct this effort. There will be specific details forthcoming. Please make all individuals who are eligible for missionary service aware of this wonderful opportunity.

Thank you for your service and all that you do to build the Kingdom in our area. May The Lord bless you in all that you do.

Hal Bradford
Springdale Arkansas Stake