Sunday, February 24, 2013

Interfaith Harmony Day

The Annual Interfaith Harmony Day was held February 2, 2013 in Fayetteville. Attended by hundreds, many of whom found their way to the “Mormon” display table where they received a copy of the Book of Mormon and a variety of Information concerning the Restoration, the Plan of Salvation, the History of the Church, the purpose and truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. Fayetteville Missionaries taught and shared their testimony at round-table discussions. The Stake Public Affairs shared the message of the Restored Church as well as pamphlets, pass-a-long cards, the Book of Mormon and the Family Proclamation. Interested visitors made appointments with the missionaries, learned where to locate and visit a congregation and how to contact the Church for more information.

The Interfaith Harmony Day is held every year in February. If you would like to participate as a volunteer, contact the Springdale Stake Public Affairs.

Rachel Wheeler