Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas Cantata Performed at Huntsville Branch

The Madison County Community Choir Performed their Christmas Cantata at the Huntsville Branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Sunday Dec. 9th.  The afternoon performance featured choir members of all denominations and the cantata “Sing We All Noel”.

The choir members prepare for the Christmas performances for about three months. Performances were held at the Huntsville United Methodist Church, the Huntsville LDS Branch and the Marble United Baptist Church.  Huntsville Branch members Susie Copenhaver and James Copenhaver have performed with the choir for several years.  Other members of the branch participated as readers during the cantata.

After the performance, finger foods and desserts were served to the public.  Choir members commented on how great it was singing in the new chapel because of the amazing acoustics.  It was a great opportunity for the public to see the new building and feel the Christmas Spirit through song.