Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Unprecedented Numbers of New Missionaries

Following the announcement made my President Monson in the October 2012 General Conference, new missionary applications rocketed by 471%, going from about 700 per week to about 4000 each week. Within that there has been a dramatic rise in the number of young women sending in applications. “Prior to the announcement, approximately 15 percent of missionaries were young women.” Now we're seeing equal amount of both young men and women applying.

The rush of applications after the announcement have slowed somewhat but “the number of post-announcement applications is still double what it has been in the past.”

To read more about the new missionary statistics, what the MTC's are doing to accommodate this rise in missionary numbers, and Elder Nelson debunking rumors about going into new countries, read the full article here.

Our Stake has a Missionary Preparation Class for all those preparing to go on missions. Please ask your bishop for more details.